It’s been a busy year for our INTENSE Ambassadors. Racing has returned, road trips have been happening and good times have been had. We catch up with the rest of the crew to see what they have been up to this year, the highs and the lows, and their hopes and dreams for next year.

Photo above and Blog Homepage Claus Hilmar.


High point?
The absolute high point was to build, open and run my own bike park – KISA MTB Park – a childhood dream that became a reality. I have learnt so many new things. Everything from driving an excavator, fixing the drag lifts, to being a janitor, etc. I also organized my first event – the Autumn Jam – on the last weekend of the season for the park. We had whip-off, dual slalom and pit bike race… a lot was going on, and it was mega! The Red Bull Hardline is one of the best events, so I was really happy to have been part of that this year too. And finally, right now I’m in the middle of a film project that I am super excited about.

Low point?
Probably when the park got flooded by heavy rain this summer just before the opening. We were on the hill day and night to get it ready in time.

The off-season and next year?
As mentioned, I’m working on a big film project at the moment that has been a dream of mine for long time. After that I really hope to squeeze in a surf trip before continuing with all the digging and improvements to the park. It also looks like most urban city races are coming back this winter, so I’m really looking forward to doing some street racing and heading down to South America.


High point?
Heading to Madeira to compete in the Sandokan Enduro. Not only did I have an awesome time riding on the island, but I managed to take the win in my category. I was stoked that my time would have also put me second in Elite. It was a good weekend of riding.

Low point?
Picking up an injury to my shoulder (AC separation) three weeks before the EWS in Scotland. You need to be on your A-game for racing any EWS, but especially when it was a wet and cold Scottish weekend. I needed to find every bit of race craft and experience to gain enough points to qualify to race the EWS next season.

The off-season and next year?
I need a plan that includes work and family commitments as well as racing. I'm excited to start with my new personal trainer. My Tazer eBike is a real motivator for getting me out on rides in the long cold off-season, but I'm also looking forward to smashing out some big road rides with good mates. I'll try and get in some more trips over to Madeira with the family and working out plans for a couple of snowboarding holidays too.


High point?
This year was very special for me because I signed with INTENSE. I am very proud to be part of the European Ambassador team. It already feels like a victory. Another exciting part came late in the summer when I felt very fit and dared to race downhill and enduro before my big ankle surgery. I didn't expect that the races would be so successful after three years of absence. That's when I realized that biking is just anchored in every cell of my body. And I was able to recall learned experiences from back then.

Low point?
Definitely my ankle surgery at the end of the season. In 2018 I dislocated it at the World Cup in Canada. I flew home to have an operation, but it never felt quite right, so this autumn I had another operation. I am glad that nowadays it is possible to transplant a mini titanium protheses made of gold into my ankle! It was a miracle.

The off-season and next year?
I want to get totally fit again and I’m busy with a variety of rehab all winter. I want to regain 60-80% of the mobility in my ankle. The doctor says this should be possible and that the sea should have a positive effect on this. So maybe a trip or two will be enough to recharge my batteries (Covid allowing). I want to get back into the groove next year and create great content. I'm really looking forward to being on my bike again. I can't wait.


High point?
This year I have participated in many races in Europe and gained a lot of experience, but this year was also complicated, as I’ve not achieved my goals. However, the best memory I have is debuting in Leogang for my first ever World Cup.
Low point?
The World Championships in Val di Sole. It all started with a silly crash on my second run on the first day of training. I fell pretty hard on my shoulder. It was painful and I knew something was wrong. I went to the hospital for tests and it seemed to be just a big contusion.
I kept going but the pain was pretty bad. Thankfully I managed to get into the main event, the finals on the Sunday. My shoulder started to feel worse but I couldn’t do anything about it. I finished 32. Not the result I wanted, but not bad considering. One month later I went back to the hospital and they diagnosed me with a broken shoulder!
The off-season and next year?
My plans are: going to the gym five days a week and having as much fun as I can on my bike every weekend. Also working on my mindset as much as I can. For next season I will change my philosophy. From now on instead of looking for great results or making expectations, I will dedicate my energy to having a good time on my bike and being happy while doing races or whatever. I won’t create expectations anymore because for me last season I learned that the best results appear when I’m not thinking too much. The key for me being successful is to focus on my riding and enjoy the moment.


High point?
Enjoying my two new bikes, the Primer S and the Tazer, and comparing them against each other to better understand what I look for in a bike. The world of the eBike has also been a great discovery, it has really been a revolution for me. I can still go downhill fast, climb to another level, but also push myself and get very tired on it if I want to.

I have made several bike trips with my girlfriend in the Alps, they were spectacular. I teach mountain bike skills so I'm also very happy to have given many more bike technique classes this year. People trust me and I'm happy to give them new tools to continue improving and enjoying their riding. It's a job that I love. And finally thanks to INTENSE for letting me create some videos for the brand, it's been an honor.

Low point?
My right shoulder injury (two years ago I had the same injury in my left shoulder). I've been having pain, blockages and tensions in my neck and back, but I'm overcoming it by doing gym exercises and stretching. Time heals everything.

I would also have liked to race some enduros, but Covid and my work as a filmmaker have not allowed me. In the only race I did, I broke my rear wheel! That was bad luck, ha ha. Otherwise, everything was great. I can't complain.

The off-season and next year?
I want to keep training and improving on my bike. Jump more often in the dirt jump park, improve my times on Strava, and have a great time with my friends and partner. Get stronger with more gym days. Post more on Instagram and YouTube with topics that people are interested in, especially posting technique videos and bike tutorials. I also have some new sponsors (tires, equipment, wheels...) I want to give a more professional image. As always there is a lot of desire to do things, hopefully there will be time for everything!



High point?
It would have to be getting to ride my bike in new places and meeting loads of cool new people along the way.

Low point?
Starting my year off with a broken leg sustained in a MX crash.

The off-season and next year?
I plan to to go full time van-life from about March onwards, with the aim of seeing as much of Europe as possible, going wherever my bike takes me.