Every team needs a freerider and we’ve got Kylian Breliere. When Bernat Guardia was putting together our team of ambassadors he knew that he didn’t want it to just be all racers...
“Kylian was one of the last riders I contacted when I was building the ambassador program. I was looking for a freerider, but I wanted someone talented and young enough to still be unknown by most people. But it actually turned out that Kylian is a celebrity on TikTok and is about to reach 300k followers! Since the very first time I contacted Kylian I knew we had found our guy. He has such a talent on a bike, he throws massive tricks and is not afraid of flipping his M29 everywhere. He is also a very humble guy and I like that. I can’t wait to see him grow and to start attending freeride events. You’ll be seeing a lot more from Kylian Breliere in the future.” Bernat Guardia.

Kylian has been working on this new film project for some time now with his close friend, videographer Abellan Julien. We wanted to get a bit of info and background on the film, but instead of talking to Kylian we thought we’d mix it up a little and talk to Abellan instead.
Hi Abellan, can you give us a brief intro to this edit?
The idea behind this project was really simple, we wanted to show the variety of riding spots that we have here, from the highest point in the Luberon (at sunrise!) right down to the ‘Ochre’.

Was it your idea to film or Kylian’s?
At first Kylian had the idea to shoot a video with my new drone, but we decided together to go a bit further and work on a bigger edit.
How long have you two known each other?
A long time now. My place is less than five minutes by car from Kylian's, and we ride and shoot together a lot.
How would you describe Kylian’s riding style?
It’s a mix between speed and style. He trains a lot just to get the steeziest moves, and tries hard to go faster each time.

How would you describe your filming style?
My filming style is about how I can make the viewer feel the speed, and for them to engage with a bit of the storytelling.
Do your two styles make it easy for you to work together?
It is easy working with Kylian because I know his riding, I know what he can or what he can’t, and I can coach him to get the best result. He is extremely motivated and always ready when it’s time to shoot even if I say, "we need to wake up at 3am to get the sunrise"!
Are you influenced by any other filmers or photographers?
Yes of course, filmers like Pierre Henni or Mike Hopkins influence me.

Where did you shoot this, the landscape and the color of the earth is amazing?
We shot this project at our place, the Luberon in Provence, southern France. It really is awesome for bike riding. We have everything you need here. We love to ride in the Ochre because it is easy to dig and kind of safe when you fall down, but it needs a lot of time to maintain all the jumps, even more so in the summer because you need to bring water, if you don’t it’s like a desert.
Did you have to build any of the features or jumps or were they already there?
No we didn't build anything, we just used what we already have, but as I said, the Ochre is not like other earth, it takes a lot of work to make every jump ready. Kylian had to bring 10 liters of water in his bag every day to the middle of the forest to shape the jumps.
Did you have any problems whilst you were shooting this?
We filmed for seven days for this edit, and I crashed one of my drones, but it’s still working. We also had bad weather and had to cancel some day’s shooting… and Kylian sprained his ankle!
What’s next, what other plans do you have for working with Kylian?
We would like to do another video in a bike park like EVO or around Les Terres Noires.