The latest addition to the INTENSE Europe ambassadors crew is thirteen year-old Norwegian Nicolai Grip Haglev (‘Grip’ is his mother’s maiden name… super cool hey). Team rider Oscar Härnström spotted his talents, and we knew we just had to get Nico on the team.
“I first met Nico around one year ago when he visited my bike park, Kisa MTB Park. He really rips on the moto and also on the mountain bike! It was super cool to see him ride and shred the park that I have built. It’s really cool to have him on the team, and I’m looking forward to doing more laps together very soon.” Oscar Härnström.
Nico’s got style for miles and can do it all – whether that’s DH, Freeride, Slopestyle, dirt jumping, enduro or even a little bit of MX. The future is bright.
“I’m stoked to have Nico onboard. I've been running a couple of MTB schools for a few years now and it is so cool to see the passion and progression of kids nowadays... and I see lots of potential in Nico. He can rip anything that has two wheels, and I can't wait to see him racing DH and taking on all kinds of cool events this year.” Bernat Guardia, INTENSE Europe.

Who is Nico Haglev?
I am a super happy 13 year-old bike grom, with a big smile and who loves riding bikes, with or without engines!
Where do you live?
I live in Fredrikstad, Norway, but I spend a lot of time in all of Scandinavia as my family lives in Sweden and I live where our van is parked.
What do you do?
I ride bikes every day and build cool bike and dirt stuff on my farm together with my friends. I travel around the world to meet other riders and try new spots.
What is the worst job you have ever had?
I manufacture firewood during winter season. It’s the worst job, but when the money comes in it’s the best job too! Hahahaha! I financed my last trip to Spain like this so it’s worth it. If anyone needs firewood? Give me a call.
Where are your favorite places?
Usually the places we travel to where I can ride my bikes with my friends all day at new cool spots.
Where is your favorite place to ride?
There are so many good spots and trails but if I had to choose, I would say that Kisa MTB Park in Sweden is my favorite. Riding at home in my own bike park is of course very special too. We’ve been to Europe a bit, but it’s so crowded though… ha ha, I’m not used to crowds coming from Scandinavia.
When are you happiest?
Riding with happy friends and good vibe is on.
What makes you angry?
Putting on a cold sweaty helmet and protection really sucks, especially up here in the north during the winter. Injuries really suck too.
What makes you happy?
Landing new tricks, reaching goals and helping others.
What is the best piece of advice you have even been given?
Smile to the world and the world smiles to you, and never ever give up. I am all about the positive vibes.
What are your extravagances?
Ha! Easily bike parts.
Who do you admire?
I admire everyone pushing, reaching goals and finding happiness in life.
What’s the most important thing in your life?
Friends, bikes, cats, health and being injury free, and family. Ha ha, in that order! Sorry mom and dad!
What would you never throw away?
An opportunity to send a new trail, jump or anything that could potentially unlock some new exciting stuff.
What is your greatest fear?
That one’s easy. Coming short or overshooting jumps, especially the big ones.
What’s the first thing you do in the morning?
Breakfast. Then rush off to the school bus. It’s a 40-minute bus ride so I have to get up early. I live kind of remote on a farm.
What’s the last thing you do at night?
Set the alarm and check Insta.
What would your dream meal be?
Give me Tacos.
What things do you always carry with you?
I always have my iPhone and Air Pods with me.
Do you have any regrets?
Absolutely not.
What’s the most important lesson you have learnt?
I have had my share of injuries over the years. This has taught me to take my time, to pad up well and analyze all the trails, tracks, jumps well before I drop in.
If you could have dinner with three famous people (dead or alive) who would they be?
I really have no idea.
Who is your favorite rider?
My dad. He rips.
What is your favorite bike product of all time?
Resi ramps and suspension.
What is your least favorite?
Bad brakes and an untuned bike in general.
What’s your favorite motto or saying?
What music are you listening to at the moment?
I am all into all kind of rock, metal and punk. It’s in my DNA being Norwegian and all.
What one thing would you change about yourself?
I am happy with who I am.
What are your weaknesses?
Overthinking and overanalyzing sends.
What does the future hold for you?
Lots of traveling to cool spots with tons of new friends.
Nico rides our super sweet Primer 275